
Marks of a Healthy Church

Marks of a Healthy Church


  • Fifteen sessions with group and personal study
  • Individual study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth

Target audiences

  • Discipleship Class
  • Adults
  • Basics

The church wasn’t our idea—it was His. Jesus established the church as the natural arena for our spiritual growth, and our health depends on it. In this series, Dr. Mark Dever and Dr. Jonathan Leeman survey the marks of a healthy church, where we are called to display God’s glorious character in unity, holiness, and love. We can’t do it alone.

Course Features

  • Lectures 76
  • Quizzes 15
  • Duration Lifetime access
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English (Subtitles in multiple languages)
  • Students 697
  • Assessments Yes

MARK DEVER (PhD, Cambridge) is the pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. and the president of 9Marks. He is the author of more than a dozen books, including The Church: The Gospel Made Visible and Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus.

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JONATHAN LEEMAN is the editorial director for 9Marks. After doing undergraduate and graduate degrees in political science, Jonathan began his career in journalism where he worked as an editor for an international economics magazine in Washington, D.C. Since his call to ministry, Jonathan has earned a master of divinity and a Ph.D. in theology and worked as an interim pastor. Today he edits the 9Marks series of books as well as the 9Marks Journal and is the co-host of Pastors Talk. He has written for a number of publications and is the author or editor of a number of books. Jonathan lives with his wife and four daughters in a suburb of Washington, DC and serves as an elder at Cheverly Baptist Church. He teaches adjunctively at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Reformed Theological Seminary.